That's Energetic Work

As a human energy specialist, I take a holistic view of the human being and try to offer my clients help in achieving physical and energetic balance. I work primarily on the so-called "subtle level" with the methods of Matrix Energetics and MHRT and also with the help of flower essences. I will support you in releasing energy blockages and finding your balance again.


       The measures that I use during a session with my clients serve to restore and harmonize the body's own energy fields and do not constitute a healing treatment. Accordingly, the energetic assistance is not a substitute for medical diagnosis and treatment, nor is it a substitute for psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment or investigation. All statements and advice are not diagnoses, but represent pure energetic descriptions of the situation.


According to the current PROFESSIONAL VIEW OF HUMAN ENERGY (as of September 2016) from the Association of Personal Service Providers of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, the energy services I offer fall under the following methods:


Achieving physical balance

      - using the method of Dr. Bach

      - using biofeedback

      - through interpretation of the aura

      - by gently touching the body or placing your hands on specific parts of the body

      - using Cranio Sacral Balancing


If you would like to find out more about the work and job profile of human energy technicians in Austria, you can find a lot of detailed information and the entire job profile at!